In the near future we will be creating a fund to honor Paul’s legacy, with a focus on both his life-long commitment to the field of History of Science and his deep desire to support student scholarship.

We are collaborating with Oregon State University’s Center for the Humanities —Paul was instrumental in the establishment of the Center,— to create ways to bring attention to Paul’s field of interest and to benefit selected students in coming years. What is created will be of value on campus and within the community.

There are a variety of ways to achieve our goal at different funding levels. Donations as well as pledges over time will allow for the planning and advanced scheduling needed to build an appropriate agenda.

Scholarly options can include:

  • a visiting lecture or seminar or even a series preceded by a brief dinner and followed by a reception including students and others;
  • if sufficient funding; a named faculty fellowship providing Humanities Center office and support (buying out one class for research time or supporting research-related travel);
  • an annual award in recognition of the publication of a book in the humanities.

Student-focused options:

  • a fellowship supporting the completion of a history of science PhD dissertation;
  • an undergraduate history or history of science student scholarship;
  • a named student award for history majors or a humanities thesis or poster presentation;
  • a named summer humanities research internship matching a promising undergraduate with a faculty member for a full summer of paid research and mentoring.

Depending on the level of resources we can together assemble, the results will celebrate Paul's multifaceted legacy and his substantial impact at Oregon State and in the Corvallis community. Your help in achieving one or more of the above options is deeply appreciated.Each gift in memory of Paul will be added to the Center for Humanities Gift Fund where it will be specifically dedicated to the option above that is most appropriate for the total amount received.


To make a gift, you may send a check payable to the Oregon State University Foundation. Please add “In memory of Paul Farber” in the memo line.

Gifts may also be made online at: Celebrating Someone Special with Your Gift ( [The webform includes a line where you can note that your gift is in memory of Paul.]

Please feel free to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at the OSU Foundation if you have any questions or would like to discuss giving options.