President's Corner

Peter Taylor

As this newsletter makes evident, the membership have been generating the usual ISHPSSB mix of not-exactly-predictable session and paper proposals. And the program coordinator, Bob Richardson, has been compiling these into the makings of a stimulating program. Time remains for submission of addtional proposals, but email them in soon. The society's email list continues to serve as a way to announce sessions in formation and updated versions of the program will be posted on the web site.

The nominating process for new Council members is underway. Send nominating committee members your suggestions, or get together with one other person and send in an actual nomination. Prospective Council nominees should be aware that, if elected, they will have to serve on 1-3 committees and volunteer for jobs such as newsletter editor.

Please take note of the deadline of February 1st for submissions for the Marjorie Grene Prize. As announced in the previous newsletter, this prize is intended to advance the careers of younger scholars, and will be awarded to the best manuscript based on a paper presented at one of the previous two ISHPSSB meetings by someone who is, or was at the time of the paper's presentation, a graduate student. The award will consist of a certificate and up to $200 towards expenses incurred in attending the following meeting of the Society.

See you in Seattle,
Peter Taylor Notes on the 1997 Meeting
Robert C. Richardson, Chair Program Committee

1997 Seattle meetings of the International Society for History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology, Seattle, Washington.

The 1997 meetings will be held from Wednesday, July 16th through Sunday, July 20th, 1997. Those interested in the current state of the program should consult the homepage for the Society.

The main charge of the program committee is to maintain the special quality of ISHPSSB meetings, continuing the inclusive character of the society. To this end, the Committee encourages attendance and participation from historians, philosophers, social scientists, and biologists. We aim for an inclusive program, though we do reserve the right to exclude inappropriate proposals or papers from the program. In order to promote participation from as many as possible, we will limit participation to one primary presentation; that is consistent with also serving as a commentator or chair in an additional session.

The program committee includes:

The committee welcomes abstracts of presentations proposed for the 1997 meetings. There is a deadline of January 31, 1997 for a one-page abstract of roughly 200 words. The goal of the program committee is to organize and coordinate submissions on appropriate topics within the program for members of the Society. Submissions are limited to members of the Society. Those who are interested in joining the Society should contact Barbara Horan. Abstracts should be submitted, in an electronic form, to the program coordinator (

Those planning to attend the Liege International History of Science meetings from July 20-26 (Sun-Sat) should indicate that with their submissions. We will make every effort to schedule them for early in the conference.

The format of the meetings allows for two morning and two afternoon sessions each day of 90 minutes each. We plan for roughly seven sessions in parallel. In 1995, there were no plenary sessions; this year the plenary session is being organized by the president of the society, Peter Taylor ( In addition to the plenary, we have a number of organized symposia. Those interested in a particular symposium session should contact the session organizer directly. Symposiums also must be complete, with appropriate abstracts, by the deadline of January 31, 1997.

Historians, philosophers, social scientists and biologists are invited to organize further sessions or to suggest possible session topics. Contact any member of the Program Committee for more information.

Notes on the 1999 Meeting

We want to reassure ISHPSSBers that, due to the economic crisis in Mexico, meetings there will not be as expensive as USA and Europe. Today, three-star hotel rates are US $35 per night. This should compensate for any extra travel expenses that people have getting to Mexico.

Ana Barahona Echeverria ( On behalf of the Mexican "Committee" for the 1999 meeting (Carlos Lopez Beltran, Edna Maria Suarez, Sergio Martinez).

Call for Nominations

Nominations are hereby requested for the Spring 1997 election of ISHPSSB officers. The officers to be elected are President-Elect (to serve as President 1999-2001), Secretary, Program Officer, and three at-large directors/council members.

ISHPSSB members are urged either to suggest candidates to the nominating committee or to nominate candidates directly themselves. (According to Society Bylaws, candidates for each office and directorship shall be nominated by a nominating committee or by nomination of any two members of the Society.)

All suggestions and nominations must be received by the Nominating Committee no later than 1 February 1997. The Nominating Committee consists of Jim Griesemer, Christiane Groeben, John Jungck, Helen Longino, and Chip Burkhardt (Chair). Chip may be contacted at: (, 306 West Vermont Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 367-8112

The Marjorie Grene Prize

ISHPSSB is pleased to announce the establishment of The Marjorie Grene Prize. This prize is intended to advance the careers of younger scholars, and will be awarded to the best manuscript based on a paper presented at one of the previoustwo ISHPSSB meetings by someone who was, at the time of presentation, a graduate student.

It is very appropriate for ISHPSSB to name this prize in Marjorie Grene's honor. Her work in history and philosophy of biology has provided models for many ISHPSSB members, and exemplifies the spirit of pursuing interactions among the fields within ISHPSSB; she played a central role in bringing together the scholars in the meetings that became the pre-history of ISHPSSB; and she has been a mentor to many of the leading members of the Society.

The award will consist of a certificate and up to $200 towards expenses incurred in attending the following meeting of the Society and not reimbursed from another source. If the manuscript is not already under review by a journal, the prize committee will promote the winning entry to one of the leading journals.

The postmark deadline for submissions for the first competition is 1 February 1997. The winning entry will be announced by April 15 1997. Send three copies of manuscripts to Prof. R. Rainger, History Department, Texas Tech. University, Lubbock, TX 79409. ISHPSSB encourages, but does not require, all entrants to be members of the Society.

ISHPSSB Website and Listserv From the Webmeister
Valerie Hardcastle (Virginia Tech; email:
The official ISHPSSB Website is located at:
The webpages contain the latest newsletter, 1997 program information, a message from our President Peter Taylor, instructions for how to subscribe to our listserv, and links to additional resources in science and technology. You can join ISHPSSB right over the web, as well as participate in a survey on the impact ISHPSSB has had in your professional life. You can access the site by typing the http address into any web-browser (though Netscape is recommended for the graphics). Updated on a regular basis, the site will soon include this newsletter, the 1997 program, committee assignments, local arrangements for Seattle, and general news about our society. Ideas for additional items to include are always welcome -- please forward them to Peter Taylor, President (email:, Valerie Hardcastle, Webmeister (email:, or Barbara Horan, Secretary (email:

From the Listmeister
Chris Young, (University of Minnesota; email:

We have established a moderated e-mail list for the Society. Any member interested in receiving mailings on this e-mail list should "subscribe" to the list by sending the following message

SUBSCRIBE ISHPSB-L yourfirstname yourlastname


By the way, the reason there is only one 'S' in our listserv name is because we were limited to 8 characters.

Once you subscribe to the list, your name and e-mail address will be added to the list and you will receive a verification. At that point, you can participate as much or as little as you like in various conversations on the e-mail list. To send a message to all the people currently subscribed to the list, just send mail to
Mailings will be assembled about once a month by a moderator, a real live person who will read through the messages and sort them by topic. The moderator will help to reduce the amount of mail that ends up coming to your inboxes by combining related messages, eliminating duplication, and making sure only messages intended for the entire list end up being e-mailed to everyone. If the number of messages coming in is large, or if messages have timely information (e.g. meeting or seminar announcements), the moderator may forward mailings to the e-mail list more frequently.

One of the most important functions for the web site is to facilitate the connection of people with related paper proposals or session ideas that are not yet complete.

The newsletter will also go out to the e-mail list. If you prefer not to receive a printed version of the newsletter in the mail (snail mail), your name could be dropped from that mailing list (thus reducing printing and mailing costs for the Society).

Every ISHPSSB member is encouraged to subscribe to the e-mail list to enjoy more frequent and rapid correspondence with other members. If you know other members who have not subscribed, please encourage them to do so. Of course, an e-mail list should not marginalize members whose internet access is limited, by location or by choice. The Society will continue its regular mailings.

Other Websites/Email Lists of Interest

During the summer of 1996, David Magnus ( directed an NEH/NSF supported seminar institute for university and college faculty entitled, "The Scientific, Ethical, and Social Challenges of Contemporary Genetic Technology." One of the results of that seminar is a web page including information on how seminar participants are using information frm the institute in their courses, as well as a bibliography. Check it out!
The History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS) Working Group webpage is now available at:
Included on the page are links to:
  • Conference schedule, including abstracts of papers, for the First HOPOS conference, held at the Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, Virginia, April 19-21 1996.
  • Information concerning the Working Group, HOPOS newsletters (including the latest edition, of March 1996), and relevant upcoming conferences.
  • Images of philosophers, suitable for framing.
  • Links to other philosophy and science studies web pages.
The HOPOS Homepage is maintained at the University of Misourri - Kansas City, through the generous efforts of George Gale and Elam O'Renick.

The NCSU list has many addresses, and many links to other sites. This homepage is considered to be one of the most widely accessed in the world for S&TS. Find it with your web browser at


Member Subscription Rates

Biology and Philosophy and Journal of the History of Biology Available to Members at Reduced Rates

Subscriptions to these two journals published by Kluwer Academic Publishers are available to members of our society at a reduced rate. The reduced rates for 1996 are:

  • Biology and Philosophy: US$ 70.00
  • Journal of the History of Biology: US$ 80.00
Society members interested in these special rates should send their subscription orders and payments to: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Distribution Centre, PO Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Members should include with their subscription requests a statement that they are ISHPSSB members and are requesting the member rate. The contact person in case of problems is Annie Kuipers, Acquisition Editor, Humanities & Social Sciences Division, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Spuiboulevard 50, P.O. Box 17 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands; Fax: +31(0)78-6392254; email:

Member Directories

Members are invited to request a copy of the ISHPSSB Directory by sending a request to Barbara Horan, the Society secretary. The first copy is free. Members who would like a second copy of the directory are asked to forward a check for $3.00 payable to the Society to cover copying and mailing costs. The directory is updated at the beginning of each year; members submitting requests after February 1 will receive a copy of the latest directory.


12th Annual Interdisciplinary 19th-Century Studies Conference
Conference Dates: 4-6 April 1997
Location: University of California, Berkeley
Conference topic: Death and Life

INCS welcomes proposals for its 12th annual conference. Suggested topics include: ceremonies and technologies of birth and death; disease and epidemic; war and mutiny; the concept of population; capital punishment; labor, midwifery, male birthing; pathos, sentimentality, mourning; elegies and other writing about the dead; anatomical illustration and picturing the dead.

Send 200 word abstracts, and, if possible, papers (15 pages maximum). We will consider proposal for inter-disciplinary panels that draw on scholars from at least three different disciplines. When proposing a panel, please indicate whether you would like individual papers considered separately if the panel is not accepted. Abstracts are due by October 15, 1996; notification of acceptance will be sent by December 1, 1996; completed papers will be due by January 15, 1997. Direct all correspondence to: INCS-Berkeley, English Department, 322 Wheeler Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-1030; email:

Selected conference papers will be published in Nineteenth-Century Contexts: An Interdisciplinary Journal.

Joint Atlantic Seminar in the History of Biology and Medicine
Conference Dates: 11-12 April 1997
Location: Yale University
Conference Theme: Biology, Medicine, and Life Sciences

The program committee invites abstracts (maximum length: 300 words) on all aspects of the history of biology, medicine, and the life sciences. Paper presentations will be limited to 20 minutes and must be original work, not published or in press. Submissions from graduate students, recent graduates, and junior faculty are especially encouraged. Abstracts must be received by 31 January 1997; notification will be made by 28 February 1997. Registration material, and information on housing and possible travel grants will also be available in February.

Abstracts, requests for registration materials and questions about the meeting should be directed to Joint Atlantic Seminar 1997, c/o Section of the History of Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine, L132 Sterling Hall of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, New Haven CT 06510. Telephone: 203-785-4338; email: (Abstracts and correspondence should be sent by email, if possible).

Second International Congress in Philosophy, Phenomenology and the Sciences of Life
Conference Dates: 5-9 June 1997
Location: Politechnical University of Gdansk, Poland
Conference topics: Origins of life, Individuation, Evolution of Types, The New Critic of Reason and the Human Creative Condition

Abstracts by 1 January 1997 and papers by 1 April 1997 should be sent to Prof. A-T. Tymieniecka, Program Director, World Phenomenology Institute, 348 Payson Road, Belmont, MA 02178 USA. Registration fee: $150 USD.

29th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the History of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Conference Dates: 19-22 June 1997
Location: University of Richmond, Richmond VA, USA
Conference theme: Behavioral and Social Sciences

Program submissions (symposia, papers and posters) that deal with any aspect of the history of the behavioral and social sciences or with related historiographical or methodological issues are welcome. Submissions must be postmarked by 1 February 1997. Travel awards are available to students who present papers or posters. For further information contact John Carson, Cherion Program Chair, Department of Science & Technology Studies, 632 Clark Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853-2501. Telephone: 607-255-6048; Fax: 607-255-6044; email:

German Society for the History and Philosophy of Biology (DGGTB) Sixth Annual Meeting
Conference Dates: 26-29 June 1997
Location: University of Tuebingen, Germany
Conference theme: Ethics in the Life Sciences - History and Philosophy

Program submissions (including abstracts) are welcome and must be postmarked January 31, 1997. For further information please contact local organizer Prof. Dr. Eve-Marie Engels (, Fakultaet fuer Biologie, Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen, Sigwartstr. 20, D-72076 Tuebingen, FAX +49 7071 922 873

Fourth Gruter Institute Faculty Seminar
Conference Dates: 2-8 August 1997
Location: Dartmouth College
Conference theme: Biological Perspectives in the Social Sciences and Humanities

In prior years, speakers have included: Robert Trivers (Evolutionary Theory), Frans de Waal (Primate Behavior), Michael T. McGuire (Neurobiology and Behavior), Miguel Marin-Padilla (Neuroscience), Lionel Tiger (Anthropology), Helen Fisher (Anthropology), Robert Frank (Economics), Roger Masters (Political Science), E. Donald Elliott (Law), Edward Berger (Genetics), Peter Richerson (Cultural Evolution), and Randy Nesse (Evolutionary Medicine).

Every attempt has been made to keep costs at a minimum. There will be a registration fee ($200). Single dormitory rooms, with shared bath, have been reserved at Dartmouth College (rate: $35 per day with maid service). Participants who so desire (particularly if coming with spouses or family) may, however, arrange other accommodations in hotels or seasonal condominiums in the Hanover area. On campus parking ($3 per day) and access to Dartmouth's athletic facilities ($3 per day) are available on request. Participants will purchase meals through the College dining services. Opening and Closing dinners and lunch each day will be served at the Seminar location in Rockefeller Center. Breakfast and other meals available at the Dartmouth Dining Hall.

A limited number of grants covering the expenses of room and board will be available for those who teach courses or conduct scholarly research linking biological perspectives to the social sciences or humanities; the registration fee is waived for grantees. Participants are responsible for their own travel expenses.

For applications and inquiries, write: Ms. Suzanne Saxton (, Gruter Institute for Law and Behavioral Research, c/o Department of Government, Silsby 6108, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755-3514 (603) 646-1029/FAX (603) 646-2152

Applications for a grant to cover room, board, and registration should indicate the course(s) now being taught or planned and/or the topics of research which relate the biological sciences to the study of human social behavior. Graduate students should submit two letters of recommendation, one from a thesis advisor and the other from another faculty member who knows the applicant well.

Second International History of Philosophy of Science Conference
Conference Dates: 12-15 March 1998
Location: Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values, University of Notre Dame
Conference topic: History of Philosophy of Science

Guidelines for Submissions: Submissions of abstracts of papers of approximately 30 minutes' reading length, and of full panels of three to four papers will be considered for the program. Abstracts of individual paper submissions should be between 250 and 500 words in length. Panel proposals should include one panel abstract, names and contact addresses of all participants, and abstracts of 250 words for each of three to four papers. All submissions should arrive by 1 September 1997.

Acknowledgment will be sent by 1 October. Notification of acceptance of submissions will be provided by 1 November. Preferred format for all submissions is plain ASCII text submitted by electronic mail to (please note the "2") with "HOPOS Submission" in the subject line of the email. Other submissions should include three paper copies and one copy in plain ASCII format on a 3.5" DOS diskette and be sent to: Cassandra Pinnick, Department of Philosophy, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY 42101

Grants & Fellowships

George Washington University Center for History of Recent Science Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Department of History at George Washington University has established the Center for History of Recent Science and will offer a pair of two-year postdoctoral fellowships beginning in 1996. "Recent science" comprises lines of research in physical or biological sciences that have been carried out for the most part by scientists who are still living. Inquiries and letters of application should be sent to Horace Freeland Judson, Director, Center for History of Recent Science, George Washington University, Washington DC, 20052. Telephone: 202-994-1670 or 410-889-4581; Fax: 410-889-4581; email:

1997-98 Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Science & Technology Studies
A Mellon Foundation postdoctoral teaching-research fellowship is available in the Department of Science & Technology Studies at Cornell University. While in residence at Cornell, postdoctoral fellows hold department affiliation, and have limited teaching duties and the opportunity for scholarly work. Applicants are encouraged from any of the four component fields of Science and Technology Studies: sociology of science and technology; history of science and technology; philosophy of science and technology; politics and policy of science and technology. The postdoctoral teaching-research fellowship will begin July 1, 1997 and offers a stipend of $28,000. Applicants must have received the Ph.D. degree after September 1991. Applicants who will receive the Ph.D. degree by June 30, 1997 are eligible to apply. Fellowships are limited to citizens of the United States, Canada, or those with permanent U.S. residency cards.

To apply, please contact: Ms. Agnes Sirrine, Program Administrator, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships, Cornell University, A.D. White Center for theHumanities, 27 East Avenue, Ithaca, NY 14853-1101, (607) 255-9274. All application materials (including letters of recommendation) must be postmarked on or before January 4, 1997. Awards will be announced in Febuary 1997.

Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology 1997-98 Fellows Programs
The Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology invites applications to its two fellowship programs for 1997-1998: the Senior Fellows program and the new Post-Doctoral Fellows program. The Dibner Institute expects to have fifteen Senior Fellows each term and up to five Post-Doctoral Fellows each year.

Senior Fellows Program

Candidates for Senior Fellowships should have advanced degrees in appropriate fields and offer evidence of substantial scholarly accomplishment and professional experience.

Resident: Scholars may apply to the Senior Resident Fellows Program for the Fall (Term 1), the Spring (Term 2), or both. Term 1 extends from August 1 through December 31, with full activities beginning on September 1. Term 2 extends from January 1 through May 31, with full activities beginning on February 1. At the time of application, term-1 candidates may request an arrival date in July; term-2 candidates may request an extension into June. Visiting: Scholars may apply to the Visiting Fellows Program for less than a full term but in any case, for at least two consecutive months.

Post-Doctoral Fellows Program

Fellowships are awarded to outstanding young scholars of diverse countries of origin who have obtained the Ph.D. or equivalent within the previous five years. Post-Doctoral Fellowships run for one year, from July 1 through June 30, and may be extended for a second and final year at the discretion of the Dibner Institute.

The Dibner Institute is an international center for advanced research in the history of science and technology, established in Massachusetts in 1992. It includes the Burndy Library as its scholarly library resource and enjoys the participation in its programs of faculty members and students of consortium-member institutions including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as host institution, Boston University, Brandeis University and Harvard University.

The Dibner Institute provides office space, support facilities and full privileges at the Burndy Library and at the libraries of consortium universities. Fellows will have access to the entire spectrum of activities that take place at the Dibner Institute where they will be able to collaborate in an atmosphere of collegiality and find the resources and appropriate settings to carry on their work. All Dibner Fellows are expected to reside in the Boston area during the term of their grants, to participate in the activities of the Dibner Institute community and to present their currentwork at appropriate occasions during their appointments.

Funds are available for housing, living expenses and return travel costs. Estimates of costs, as well as the average stipend for 1996-1997, are provided with the application forms. The deadline for receipt of applications for 1997-1998 is January 1, 1997. Fellowship recipients will be announced in March, 1997. Please request for further information and application forms from: Trudy Kontoff, Program Coordinator, Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology, Dibner Building, MIT E56-100, 38 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, 617.253.6989, FAX 617. 253.9858, email: Publications of Interest

Doing Biology
by Joel B. Hagen, Douglas Allchin, and Fred Singer (Harper Collins, 1996 [now Benjamin Cummings]).

This is a collection of 17 case studies from 20th-century biology, ideal as a supplement for introductory college biology courses or for analysis of science in a historical context. Each case study focuses on the discovery of an important biological concept. The reader—situated historically in the context of a critical problem—is invited to design experiments, interpret original data and offer alternative explanations—in short, to develop skills in "doing biology." The narratives also address scientific controversies, the social contexts of funding, ethics, the role of individual personality and other features of the process of science.

Includes several chapters under each of the following headings: "Evolution and Diversity," "Cellular Biology," "Organismal Biology," and "Ecology & Behavior."

For order information, or to receive the name of your local sales rep, who can provide additional information, please call 800-552-2499.

New Book Series: Animals in Philosophy and Science
The publishers of this series plan to put out three volumes every two years. The first volume will include essays on animal consciousness and animal ethics. For more information contact Susanne Lijmbach, Department of Applied Philosophy WAU, Hollandseweg 1, 6706 KN Wageningen, The Netherlands, email:

Science as Culture
Science as Culture is a journal that explores the role of expertise in shaping the values which contend for influence over the wider society. The journal analyses how our scientific culture defines what is rational, and what is natural. SaC provides a unique, accessible forum for debate, beyond the boundaries of academic disciplines and specializations. The journal has published articles on mass-media representations of expertise, the political role of radio, human and agricultural biotechnologies, cultures of workplace automation, the metaphors central to scientific knowledge, artificial intelligence, images of the scientist in film and theatre, etc. Twenty-five issues have appeared so far.

Back issues are (British pounds sterling) L7.50 each for non-subscribers, L4.00 for subscribers; L10.75 for institutions. A list of contents of back issues is available at:

Order from Science as Culture, 26 Freegrove Road, London N7 9RQ. Tel. +0171 607 8306; Fax. +0171 609 4837; email:

The journal is associated with an e-mail forum of the same name: To subscribe, e-mail to with the message:

SUB SCIENCE-AS-CULTURE yourfirstname yourlastname
A web site associated with the forum holds articles from back issues of the journal, as well as submissions under consideration (not obligatory), whose authors may benefit from constructive comments for purposes of revisions before the hard copy is printed, as well as longer piece not suitable for the e-mail format which forum members may wish to discuss:

A useful list of forums and sites in the history, philosophy & social studies of science, technology & medicine can be found at


New members
Anyone interested in joining ISHPSSB (pronounced "IshKabibble") can contact the ISHPSSB secretary (address below). A membership form is included in this newsletter (Make copies! Give them to your friends! Get you family to join!)

Graduate students qualify for a reduced membership fee -- only $5. Otherwise a one-year regular membership is $15 USD; a two-year membership is $25 USD.

Membership forms are also available by contacting ISHPSSB student representative Chris Young.

The Society's Website has a membership form as well. Its location is http:/ All checks must be in USD; payment by Visa/Mastercard is welcome. Feel free to return the form electronically.

Renewing members
Here is a simple 3-step procedure for renewing your ISHPSSB membership. All of this can be done electronically by accessing the Society's Website, where the Application/Renewal/Payment of Dues Form lives in its electronic version.

Step 1. Look at the mailing label on your newsletter. Check the "Dues Paid Through 19xx" part. If the date is 1997 orlater, your dues are paid. If the date is 1996, you may renew your membership now or wait until the end of the year to renew. If the date there is 1995 or earlier, you owe us money. Get out your checkbook or credit card. (Steady now.) Fill out the Application/Renewal/Payment of Dues Form enclosed with this newsletter. Make the appropriate marks in your checkbook or record the appropriate credit card numbers on the form, and return the form (with payment) to the ISHPSSB Secretary.

Step 2. If you think the information we have in our membership files is out of date (email addresses seem especially volatile), please provide us with the new information, using the same Membership Renewal Form. Mail (or email) it back to the ISHPSSB Secretary.

Step 3. Think about whether you wouldn't rather have this stylish document, the IshKabibble Newsletter, sent to you electronically. If so, indicate this on the Application/ Renewal/Payment of Dues Form. If you want to subscribe to the Society's email list (for monthly announcements and virtual general meetings in the in-between years) indicate that as well. Mail (or email) this information to the ISHPSSB Secretary.

Barbara Horan, ISHPSSB
Philosophy/PO Box 8023
Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, GA 30460-8023
A note from the Webmeister on sending money through cyberspace: Sending credit card numbers through cyberspace (email or web material) is relatively safe (as safe as the postal service, maybe safer), since everything is automatically encrypted.


The next issue of the Ishkabibble newsletter will be published in Spring 1997. Please forward contributions (preferably via e-mail) before 31 March1997 to:

Chris Young (
History of Science and Technology
435 Walter Library
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Standing Committees

The following committees have been established, with the members and tasks listed. The current by-laws say all committee members must be from the Council. At the Seattle meetings we hope to change this to have at least two Council members on each committee, with the other members from the membership (An exception will be the membership of the Executive Committee, all of whose members are drawn fromthe Council). In the meantime, non-Council members of committees are technically advisers to the committees.

Executive Committee of the ISHPSSB Council
Membership: President (Chair), President-elect, Past-president, Program Officer, Secretary, Treasurer.
Current Members: Peter Taylor (chair), Elisabeth Lloyd, Chip Burkhardt, Bob Richardson, Barbara Horan, Ron Rainger.

Membership: Executive Committee + 6 Directors-at-Large + Student Representative.
Current Members: Peter Taylor (chair), Elisabeth Lloyd, Chip Burkhardt, Robert Richardson, Barbara Horan, Ron Rainger, Jim Griesemer, Paul Griffiths, Christiane Groeben, Joan Fujimura, Larry Holmes, Helen Longino, Chris Young.

Nominations & Elections Committee
Chair: Past-President.
Current Members: Chip Burkhardt (chair), Jim Griesemer, Christiane Groeben, Helen Longino, John Jungck.

The Chair will receive and count ballots, which will be distributed with the spring newsletter.

The nominating process will get going in the fall. Send committee members your suggestions. Prospective Council nominees should be aware that, if elected, they will have to serve on 1-3 committees and volunteer for jobs such as newsletter editor.

Local Arrangements & Site Selection Committee
Chair: Council member
Current Members: Peter Taylor (chair), Keith Benson, Joan Fujimura, Ron Rainger, Bob Richardson

The Program Officer and Local Arrangements Co-ordinator will be members of this committee. The committee will be the backup for (and, if needed, watchdog over) the Local Arrangements Co-ordinator.

Michoacan, Mexico is the intended site for the 1999 meeting. Local arrangements co-ordinator is Ana Barahona Echeverria (email: The 2001 meeting is currently being scheduled for Europe; the initial co-ordinator (to get the ball rolling) is Werner Callebaut (email:

Program Committee
Chair: Program Officer
Current Members: Bob Richardson (chair), Dick Burian, Werner Callebaut, Kathy Cooke, Marilia Coutinho, Joan Fujimura, Paul Griffiths, Yrjo Haila, Michael Lynch, and Cor van der Weele.

Prize Committee
Chair: Council member
Current Members: Ron Rainger (chair), Adele Clark, Marjorie Grene, and Jim Griesemer.

Newsletter/Internet Committee
Chair: Council member
Current members: Peter Taylor (chair), Chris Young (email list & newsletter editor F96 & S97), Valerie Hardcastle (WWW site), Barbara Horan.

The Secretary will be on this committee and might serve as the chair, but will be spared the job of newsletter production.

By-laws Review Committee
Chair: Council member
Current members: Chip Burkhardt (chair), Peter Taylor, Elihu Gerson

For Consideration

The following are areas in which we might implement formal changes or motions for such at the next annual meeting of the Society:

I. Committees are currently supposed to be made up of Council members. I plan to propose a change to ensure that two members of any committee are from the Council (again, the exception is the Executive Committee), but therest can be from the membership at large. (The President appoints committees, with the Council's approval.)

II. The by-laws specify that the Society must have a general meeting annually. I propose to use the Society's email list for a virtual annual meeting, spread over a few days in the early fall of the in-between years. This would be launched with reports and then followed by a ruling from the chair that all motions formulated would be tabled, that is, they could be discussed but not voted upon until the next actual meeting. A virtual Council meeting would then follow this general meeting (the Council is more or less operating this way at the moment).

II. The Past-President, as chair of the Nominations & Elections Committee, would handle the elections, so that no-one standing for office would be doing that job. Members of that committee wanting to stand for office should arrange for a nomination from the membership at large, not from the committee itself.

IV. At the end of every quarter, the local arrangements co-ordinator should report to the Executive Committee, as well as to the Local Arrangements & Site Committee, on plans, progress or lack thereof.

V. At the end of every quarter, the program officer should report to the Executive Committee, as well as to the Program Committee, on plans, progress or lack thereof.

Reactions, favorable or otherwise, requested. Please send to Peter Taylor, ISHPSSB President.

This page is maintained by Valerie Gray Hardcastle.
Last updated: 20 February 1997.